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Here’s to having fun, strutting your stuff, and inspiring other commuters during this out-of-the-ordinary Way 2 GO MAINE event! Check out, share and Celebrate the Great Green Commute with the following.

And make sure to get credit by posting photos and video of yourself and others using any of the  tools below! We’re on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram – and remember to tag with #Way2GOMAINE and the name of your workplace! (Note: If you’re not on social media, just ask a friend, family member or co-worker to post for you – or email GO MAINE and we can.)

Fun Promotional Materials:

Commuting Tips During COVID-19

  • Telecommuting Tips – Ideas and resources for how to make it all go smoothly: working from home, supervising employees who are working from home, and creating long-term telework policies for your workplace.
  • Smart Tips for Carpooling, Vanpooling, and Riding the Bus or Train – We know sharing rides and using public transportation seems a little daunting right now. Here are the latest safety tips and online information to keep it low-risk.


Celebrating You with Commuter Profiles: